L'art de la thérapie et de la parentalité : un voyage enrichissant

Découvrez l'univers de Véronique Poisson, thérapeute et artiste, qui allie psychothérapie, formations et spectacles humoristiques pour sensibiliser aux défis de la parentalité et des relations. Explorez des consultations en cabinet ou en visioconférence et apprenez à développer vos compétences relationnelles.

5/8/20241 min read

A group of people is engaged in a training session in a conference room setting. A presenter is standing and holding a sheet of paper, addressing the group seated at a round table. The attendees are actively listening, and there's a banner in the background advertising UX training. The room is well-lit, with a flipchart visible at one side.
A group of people is engaged in a training session in a conference room setting. A presenter is standing and holding a sheet of paper, addressing the group seated at a round table. The attendees are actively listening, and there's a banner in the background advertising UX training. The room is well-lit, with a flipchart visible at one side.

Thérapie, Formation, Spectacles